Here it is, folks. The Week 3 show. Now even more hosty-er with the addition of Behrang Pakzad. Why have two hosts when you can have three for the price of … two? Enjoy.
Here it is, folks. The Week 3 show. Now even more hosty-er with the addition of Behrang Pakzad. Why have two hosts when you can have three for the price of … two? Enjoy.
Admittedly, I’m a huge Pats hater. That being said, I’m glad I was able to steal Gronk at pick #13 (did y’all see my draft grade?) and I’m fine having a Pat on my team as long as it’s not Tom Shady.
Well, here is this week’s show that is chock full of fantasy insight and hilarity. We’ve stepped it up this week. And we’ve rebranded the show The Galactic Empire Fantasy Football Show. At a close second was Sean and John Talk About Your Stupid Team. Unfortunately, the sponsors thought that was too mean.
Also, don’t mind the long silence in the outro where Sean was talking. He muted his mic for some reason for a few seconds. Amateur.
Here is this week’s show. It’s a short one since we don’t have any recaps or any big news unless Aldon Smith getting a fourth chance by the Raiders is news.
Commish Kalub is absent this week as he’s away in New York answering questions in the investigation about comments made to other GMs on the night of the draft.
Developing …
Ladies and gentlemen,
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to another season of fantasy football. We’ve got some changes this year, but you can count on the same quality league as in years past. Also, the show is back after a hiatus and had been rebranded The JV Sports Show with a more contemporary feel.
With that, below is a link to the predraft show. Please have a listen. Apologies for some of the audio. We’re still working the bugs out.