2020 Week 11: Shot Through the Hard-en


At this point in the season, you’d think the playoff race would start to take shape, but alas, it could be anybody … well, anybody but me … that makes the playoffs. That’s right. Eleven teams are in the hunt, but some hearts will be broken in the next two weeks as the pack begins to thin out.

So, Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy some turkey and good food before five of you have to eat crow in the next few weeks.

Direct download link: https://tgisundays.football/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/week_11_2020.mp3

2020 Week 10: It’s in the Cards


Ground control to Major Hop! This week we saw one of the greatest catches ever as the Cards won with 1 second left. And while we saw Hop go up against three defenders to catch that touchdown pass, Ronald Jones ran almost the length of the field to score a 98-yard touchdown.

We also had a special guest host as Sean Kalub made an appearance on this week’s show. It really made the show out of this world!

Direct download link: https://tgisundays.football/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/week_10_2020.mp3

2020 Week 8: This Is Fine


By the time you read this, we probably still won’t know who the next president will be. It’s like the ultimate cliffhanger. It’s like when Diane left Sam at the end of a season of “Cheers” and she said she’d be back in six months and you couldn’t wait for the new season to start to see if Diane would be back only to be replaced by Kirstie Alley. But I digress. We’ve got another week of football under our belt and the playoff race is getting tighter than a Housewife’s skin.

Direct download link: https://tgisundays.football/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/week_8_2020.mp3