2020 Week 8: This Is Fine


By the time you read this, we probably still won’t know who the next president will be. It’s like the ultimate cliffhanger. It’s like when Diane left Sam at the end of a season of “Cheers” and she said she’d be back in six months and you couldn’t wait for the new season to start to see if Diane would be back only to be replaced by Kirstie Alley. But I digress. We’ve got another week of football under our belt and the playoff race is getting tighter than a Housewife’s skin.

Direct download link: https://tgisundays.football/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/week_8_2020.mp3

2020 Week 3: Look Out Behind!


Sometimes when you think you’ve got it in the bag, life comes from behind and pokes the ball out of your hands. Top draft picks going down with injuries, players underperformimg, dogs and cats living together … mass hysteria! And yet, we continue to play on thinking the next week will better. Well, for six of us (I mean, not me, I won last week, but I’m using the royal “us”) another L was added to the Loss column. And a few of us have yet to add any Ws to the Win column. At what point does the panic start?

Direct download link: https://tgisundays.football/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/week_3_2020.mp3

2020 Week 2: The Goose is Cook-ed


Normally, I love recording these podcasts. It’s fun. It’s loose. It’s good times. Except when the strict recording schedule coincides with your favorite team’s MNF game…in their first new stadium…in their new city…while you’re in a tight matchup of the narrowest margins. And only to have yourself become the topic of the AJ’s Beat Farm segment midway through said segment because Jared Cook makes one stupid catch with less than a minute to go in the game giving your opponent the win.

No, it’s not good times then.

Direct download link: https://tgisundays.football/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/week_2_2020.mp3