2020 Week 1: Gallup-ing Into the Season


If a pandemic, wild fires, a presidential election and murder hornets weren’t enough to make this the craziest year of your life, then maybe seeing Cam Newton as the QB of the Pats and Tom Brady as a giant creamsicle is enough to put it over the edge.

Or maybe it’s the fact that for the first time in league history, the podcast has more than one voice behind the mic. A crazy year demanded crazy ideas, so this year I’ll be joined (most of the time) by BPak, AJ and Kalub. Expect nothing less from T.LT.M. (the league that matters).

Direct download link: https://tgisundays.football/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/week_1_2020.mp3

2019 Championship Recap: The End of All Things


It’s another season in the books and another winner has been crowned. Congrats to BPak on a crazy season filled with highs and lows and trades coming out his nose. It’s been a wild ride so let’s take a look back at what made this season great.

Thanks for listening. And remember, take care of yourselves … and each other.

Direct download link: https://tgisundays.football/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/championship_recap_2019.mp3

2019 Championship Preview: There Can Only Be One


So here we have it. The culmination of weeks upon weeks. Bpak and Jason have emerged as our final two teams, battling it out for the coveted championship title and $600 in cash and prizes. To the victor go the spoils!

Direct download link: https://tgisundays.football/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/championship-preview-2019.mp3

2019 Week 13 Recap and Round 1 of Playoffs Preview: Hadouken It Out in the Playoffs


Well, we’ve reached the end of the regular season, folks. And just like Boyz II Men sings, it’s the end of the road and I can’t let go. If only I had started Mahomes against Lynda I could have made the playoffs. If only Cooper hadn’t caught that touchdown on MNF I would’ve beaten AJ. So ends this fantasy season for six of us and it begins anew for six others. Round 1! Fight!

Direct download link: https://tgisundays.football/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/week-13-recap-round-1-playoffs.mp3

2019 Week 12 Recap and Week 13 Preview: Let’s Talk Turkey


This is it, fellow GMs. We’re down to the wire with so much at stake. If you didn’t get enough turkey and stuffing on Thanksgiving then fill your plate (and ears) with the only fantasy football podcast guaranteed to make you loosen that belt!

Direct download link: https://tgisundays.football/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/week-12-recap-week-13-preview-2019.mp3