2019 Week 1: Stung by AB


Antonio-Brown-genius-e1567900420703Well, even before Week 1 of the NFL season really kicked off there was drama around the league. Let’s face it. There was drama even before Week 1 started. And it wouldn’t be the Raiders without the spectacle of drama. The number one receiver for the Raiders, Antonio Brown, was released on Saturday AM after a culmination of various incidents that led to the parting of ways with AB.

Even more shocking than that, Sean Kalub took Mahomes with the 7th pick overall in the first round of the draft.

Enjoy the Week 1 show!

Direct download link: https://tgisundays.football/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/week_1_2019.mp3

2017 Week 7: What a Week! Any Questions?


It’s a dark and stormy night. You tuck yourself in for the night, but a sound awakes your slumber. Is it a ghost? A goblin? No, it’s a notification on your phone. Your trade offer has been accepted and your number one pick, maybe the best player in Fantasy, has gone to another team. You ask yourself, “Did that really happen?” But you realize your worst nightmare has become a reality.

You’ve just crossed over to the Second Guessing Zone…