2017 Week 1: Guess who’s back?


Yes, I’m back. Coming off a championship season, it’s a new year and a new JV and I feel like the phoenix rising from Arizona! I’ve got a renewed sense of purpose and I’m looking to add some pizazz to our league. It’s been two years, so I’m shaking the dust off my mic and my broadcasting technique. Join me as your football Willy Wonka as we start a journey of pure imagination as you imagine winning it all this year.

Week 6 Show: The Lost Show With BPak and JV


So here is the Week 6 show … finally. Listen, folks, when you’re 0-7 things get hectic and alarms start going off and things fall behind. Never fear, though. We’ll be back on track soon enough. I’m not speaking of my fantasy team. Just the weekly shows, of course.

Direct download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/tgisundays/Galactic_Empire_Show_Week5_2015.mp3